Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

CFNM Models first style

CFNM shoots are always fun and this was no exception. I was nice to spend two days in the Captial and Paul from Models first turned up to make sure I was happy with everything as it was the first time Id shot for them. It was another early start to get down and the road works by Northampton on the M1 are a nightmare to be avoided at all costs!

Most excitingly there was a makeup team! I always feel extra special when someone else is there to make sure I look my best and its really theraputic sitting in a chair while someone else pampers you. The camera crew were fabulous and were a real giggle and very easy to work for.

One of the reasons CFNM shoots are normally so much fun is because unlike most shoots where I am working along side one other perfromer there are loads of us. I got to work with the wonderful Tiffany Doll (thanks for the picture) and new girls, Zoe (our long suffering teacher) and the crazy Joesphine on the first day and we were offered the usual delightful collection of men to play with. As soon as the scene goes live I'll stick a link up. It was nice to be in a school uniform again I love being a naughty school girl. On the first day of shooting I was a little innocent virgin learning about the male sex and what to do with them. On the second day I was unleashed as a bad ass girl looking to start trouble. Best of all we were shooting above a cafe and they had some of the best chocolate fudge cake I have had in ages!  

One of my best shoots ever!

I say that not to upset everyone I have ever shot with, as bar one exception all my shoots have been wonderful, with prodcuers and other models always being nothing but lovely and I have always felt valued and respect at work. It was the content of the shoot that made it so good as it is something that is at the very heart of my sexual soul.

Apologise this could get alittle deep but on Tuesday I was doing bondage work, and submissive bondage is something that really touches on my sexual core. Dont get me wrong I love sex, pretty much any kind is the good kind. Over the years I have got to try lots of things I had never dreamt of doing and have got something out of all of them. Messy shoots have been a particular suprising favourite of mine, the feeling of having hot chocolate coating your body or having cold slippy custard all over you is errotic in ways my mind cant even begin to describe. Like wise I loved all the bukkaki stuff I did, to be coverd by that much spunk was so empowering and filthy, it was like I was a proper cheap slut whore for the night. I have done cheeky upskirrt stuff which always makes me feel like a naughty little girl, I have done boys, girls and she males its all been fab, but bondage is on its own level.

I love feeling helpless and vulnerable, bondage shoots are a safe environment for me to push my fears and accomblish greater highs as a result. As a submissive person I thrive on being around dominate beings and if they are good at what they do they create a need inside me to please them and this helps me to take things much further than I could on my own steam.

So to the shoot. I had a nice early 530 start inorder to jazz down to Baisingstoke in time. I quite like early morning drives, theres less people in my way and the sky looks beautiful. My shoot was with Chris Dee someone I have shot with before doing floor bondage. He specialises in finding unsual outdoor locations and his pictures (which go to an American website) are usualy plot based which is amoungst my favourte ways of tackling porn, I do love a good story. Im such an old Romantasist I love all the damsel in distress stuff things like First Knight or the old westerns where girls are kidnapped and dragged off, thrown over the front of the saddle and taken away at speed.

Here is a picture from our last shoot togther.

Some of you will get this and some of you wont but I was sooooo turned on by the whole thing. Dont get me wrong it was a usual proffesional day at work; we giggled between shots and stopped for a picnic halfway through but in the moment when I was laid there pretending that I had been abducted in order to get the right facial expressions I was horny as hell. Thats the only problem with most bondage shoots, they get me all sexual wound up but there is no sexual out let as the levels only go up to bondage, theres rarley any physical contact and never on Chris shoots. I think its a combination of people who work at this level of bondage dont need to add anything ruder because the art speaks for itself and also this bloody violent pornograohy law, as soon as you ad dominate interaction your in a whole world of pain with the law, its just not worth the risk.

So with past shoots in mind I was very excited but I was not expecting Chris to bring Mark Varley along. Mark specialises in rope work and I got to do my very first suspension work and I can not describe how scared and ultimatly turned on I was by the whole thing! They started me slow by strapping me to a metal pole and doing some clamps and weights etc and then we went up! We were shooting in an old barn made up of old metal sheets, the setting alone was nearly enough to get me turned on before we even started work. They hung me from an a old metal beam by my wrists and then tied my feet together and hung them along side them so I was suspended in mid air like a hamock. After lunch we did the really extereme stuff and I was held over 4 meters off the ground from the roof. I was face down so there was no way I could not look at the distance between me and the floor, which seemed alot bigger than it probably was. It was my dission to go right to the top of the winch and I was so chuffed that I pushed myself that little bit further. I cant wait till im allowed some pictures. Dont get to excited because of the contract I have to wait a year before the licence allows them to be release but I will stick another one of the pictures from my last shoot and promise to update as soon as a I legally can. I was sooo proud of myself on this shoot and can not thank the two boys enough.  There has been talk of trying to fit another shoot in before its to cold so watch this space. xx


Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Television X 15th Birthday Party

As the title hints, Television X has just celebraited its 15th birthday, it was the VERY FIRST adult tv channel and I was really excited when my invite arrived.

I have appeared on Television X in;
- Bitch in a box
- Bitch in a boot
- Council Estate Skanks
- Jim slips coast to coast
- Stripped Chained and Ready
- Freddie's British Eighteens 1

Dispite having no money I treated myself to a new dress for the occasion and while I was at the White Rose Centre a lovely girl trapped me at her stall and gave my hands the nicest massage and scrub whic was just what I needed at I hate shopping by myself. I have no taste what so ever and there is always that element of danger when im shopping alone as goodness knows what frumpy outfit may take my eye.

I drove down to Northampton to pick up my partner in crime Satine Sparks and you can see how we got on bellow.Applogise I didnt get alot of footage shot inside the venue as it was super dark but I got to see Loz (its been far to long) as well as the adorable Sarah Jane and I got to meet the Ryder!

It was especially nice to meet all the technical staff that do all the editing etc behind the scenes. It was a little scary meeting people who know more about what I have done than I do but it was a real boost to know that they rated my performance, as they have edited the greats! The pictures were supplied by the wonderful Simon (http://www.sbglamour.moonfruit.com) who is just lovely.

For some reason I cant make the video link from here but if you copy and paste it into your top bar it will take you where you need to end up. x

I got home at 623am ready for bed but buzzing from my lovely night out with friends, porn star legends, producers, technicians and the big boss herself Claire - she was soooooo lovely I am honered to be part of her empire.

Welcome xx

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