Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

Porn Oscar Goes To ....

I wont lie, the bellow trailer is pretty full on, in fact it's a hard core spanking that spanking fans will really appreciate for its authenticity and the high emotion in the scene.

I know that some of my blog visitors  don't enjoy seeing pain and are not fans of the spanking fetish. For that reason I feel I should try and explain why this is both a true performance and one worthy of an Oscar!

For me spanking scenes are among my favorites because there is a story to really immerse yourself into. It's like taking a Stanislavsky approach to acting, you live and breath the character, you react how they would react. And that sentence is how I can both be doing a performance and be giving a true performance based on the real actions happening.

They really do hit you and yes it really is with enough force to hurt. It is not with enough force to make me cry.  I am not crying through pain in this clip. The tears are the tears of fear the character I am being would feel. The spanking itself mixed with the adrenaline and the thrill of the story put me in a very emotional state. This is why I was crying before I was even bent over the bed I was feeling like a naughty little girl, it was reminding me of those memories from my childhood where I was waiting to be told of by a teacher and the wrongness of it all started a sexual tingle between my legs. In a spanking scene you can't let go of your emotion through sexual contact so crying is that refreshing release of the building energy it feels amazing to sob like that, I mean when is it really acceptable to sob once you are an adult.

So I urge you to watch this trailer and see if you can share in the acting that went into this scene and also feel the sexual excitement I am shedding through my tears. Te real video is super hot to view please follow my link HERE! 

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