Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Merry Christmas

I'm sorry just a quickie this weekend as my parents are visiting to catch up and exchange gifts ahead of Christmas, I promise to put something good up next weekend.

Before I rush off I do want to say some thank yous. A huge thank you for all your continued support during my very long very grumpy house search, the day after I asked you to send positive thoughts my way I got a house, so full credit to you and I am super grateful. The good news about me moving house is that I now have a deadline to shoot as much sexy content in this house before I go, which can only be a good thing!

I have had a few gifts see me through this dark and stressful period and I am sorry I haven't had time to get pictures to go along with these thank yous. Frans the sexy outfits will certainly help me with next years southern charms project (they tell me the site should go live January) and with my plan to get this house shot out before I go!

Garry the DVD you got me brought England that little bit closer when I was at my most homesick and that was one of the greatest gifts you could have given. As I have now found a house (hurray I can't wait to show you all)  I have been ordered to get some house stuff on my wish list and to remind you all that it is here. So there you go Gary I ask and I updated.

Benjamin your offer to host my blog so I don't have to spend money was lovely your so kind. I use blogger as it sends a lot of traffic my way without me having to market and it's easy to use but if there is a way for me to stay here and save money please get in touch.

Have a good week xxxxx

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