Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Perfect Pussy! (Sexy Dragons Den)

I think this is predominantly a male situation but you know when you are going to shave a lot of hair off, maybe getting rid of a beard or shaving your head bare for the summer, as you start you realize that you have an opportunity to try out several new looks, depending on which bits you shave first.

Well I was in the shower on Wednesday and I had a sudden urge to play this game myself (for the first time, how this hasn't happened sooner I don't know) and this idea has been with me ever since so I made you the following video!

So this week was our Christmas do! We always have our works do early to allow Australian staff enough time to get home and back for the holidays but even so this seems to have come around so fast.

It seems like only a few months ago we were doing this !

Finally . . . .

A small game of Rugby took place yesterday afternoon between England the New Zealand All Blacks!

  • 17: England’s point-margin of victory was their biggest ever over New Zealand
  • 9: Years since England’s previous win over the All Blacks
  • 0: Points scored by New Zealand in the opening 40 minutes – the first time they had not scored in the first half since July 1998
  • 20: The All Blacks’ unbeaten run before their defeat yesterday, stretching back to Aug 2011
Well done boys you have done a great job this Autumn you have done us all proud!

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